Noorns NuGen

Your DNA. Your Nutrition. Your Health. Personalized DNA Reports for the topics you're interested in to optimize your health, happiness and wellness.

I am proud and excited to announce the launch of Noorns NuGen (formerly Farstad Analyser)! This new service offers affordable report options for those who are interested in specific topics. The most exciting news of my new launch is that you get to generate your own report, from the security of your computer, without sharing or uploading your data!

Our advanced DNA analysis program analyzes your DNA data and creates a list of prioritized dietary, supplement and lifestyle recommendations based on your unique gene variants and on our extensive education and experience in the field of Nutrigenomics.  The reports contain the database of direct gene-nutrient interactions, so you can learn more about each gene variant/mutation, but the best part is that each gene variant is evaluated and scored to create a summary of foods and nutrients that you need to focus on and what you need to avoid. The program takes every variant into account and gives you actionable ways to optimally address all your variants, not just one variant at a time.